Chinese Herbal Medicine in Fighting COVID-19

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a highly specialized and adaptable form of medicine. It has the ability to treat each patient as an individual, thus is able to address a range of symptoms and ideally prevent future diseases from arising. TCM has existed in some form for over 3,000 years and has a long history of treatment during epidemics. Articles compiled and transcribed by Dr. John Chen, a renowned TCM herbalist and pharmacologist, have reported how COVID-19 is currently being treated in China. Based on the most recent experience in Wuhan, the article sheds some valuable insights as to how Chinese herbal medicine can be combined with conventional Western medicine treatments to help prevent illness as well as reduce the severity & duration of illness. Further supporting the efficacy of TCM treatment, the Beijing Health Commission reports that 87% of COVID-19 patients in Beijing have received TCM treatment of acupuncture and herbs.

According to the CDC, symptoms manifest 2-14 days after exposure and include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Other symptoms can include fatigue, sore throat, headaches, aches and pains, loss of taste and smell. 

The art of TCM is that treatments can be adjusted based on differential diagnostics at different phases and presenting symptoms of the infection. Each patient’s specific condition needs to be evaluated and treated on a case-by-case basis, and herbs need to be prescribed and modified accordingly. According to the article, “Chinese herbal formulas have the ability to reduce fever and cough symptoms, limit disease progression, and improve overall immunity, and thus a person’s ability to mount an essential immune response to the virus.”

COVID-19 infection is divided into four phases: prevention, early symptoms, active infection, and recovery.

Phase 1: Prevention

  • At this phase, the treatment goal is to strengthen zheng qi (immune system) and to benefit the lung and spleen functions to combat foreign pathogens.

Phase 2: Early Symptoms

  • At this phase, the immune system is battling a replicating pathogen. The treatment goal is to prevent the progression of the disease and to fight the early infection.
  • Symptoms manifest differently and can be classified and treated according to TCM differential diagnostics:
    • Wind-cold invading the exterior – low-grade fever, chills, headache, body ache, headache.
    • Toxic heat attacking the lung – fever, sore and dry throat, dry cough, body ache, headache.
    • Damp-cold – aversion to cold, dry cough and throat, fatigue, chest stuffiness, abdominal distention, nausea, diarrhea.

Phase 3: Active Infection

  • At this phase, the infection has progressed much deeper. Action must be taken quickly, and the medication must be potent.
  • TCM differential diagnostics:
    • Shaoyang syndrome with damp – alternating fever and chills, chest stuffiness, stifling sensation, beginning signs of pneumonia.
    • Damp-heat afflicting the lung – similar to above but with heat signs – fever, sore throat.
    • Toxic stagnation obstructing the lung – cough, chest stuffiness, stifling sensation, asthma and wheezing, accelerated respiration, thirst, irritability.

Phase 4: Recovery Phase

  • At this phase, the inflammation in the lungs has begun to subside as well as pulmonary interstitial changes. 
  • The treatment principle is to tonify Qi, nourish Yin, tonify the lungs and open air passageways. 

Have I lost you? I know I just spoke in another language. All this is to say – Chinese herbal medicine is a powerful adjunct to Western medical therapies. There are various herbs and formulas to support each phase. I have access to these herbs and can customize a formula for you. My goal now is to support you with a comprehensive approach so that your immune system is strong enough to fight infection. Let’s stay in Phase 1!