Tips to Strengthen Your Immune System

Your first line of defense is having a strong immune system. Lifestyle tips: Get a restful night’s sleep. Sleep is essential for optimal immune health. Stay hydrated. Eat cooked, nourishing foods like soups and stews. Avoid processed foods, sugars, alcohol, … Read More

Choosing a Prenatal Supplement

Not all prenatal vitamins are created equal.  If you’re trying to pick a prenatal vitamin, deciding which one is best for you can be overwhelming! Different prenatal vitamins contain different dosages of nutrients and come from different sources. With so … Read More

Winter Solstice: The Ultimate Yin

For those of us living in the Northern Hemisphere, the winter solstice is this Saturday, December 21st. It marks the shortest day and the longest night of the year.  Seasonal changes and shifts are important themes in Chinese medicine. You’ve … Read More

5 Acupressure Points to Reduce Stress

Feeling stressed? Whether it’s from the morning commute, work deadlines, relationship challenges, family dynamics, etc… You’re not alone!  Stress seems to have become a normal state in our modern lives. And as you may have noticed, stress can take a … Read More

Cortisol: The Goldilocks Hormone

STRESS. It’s something we all experience, to one degree or another. The effects of stress shouldn’t be taken lightly. Aside from its effects on your productivity, stress can lead to illness, anxiety, weight gain, depletion of energy, and even loss … Read More